Dear Fellow JI Residents:

Thank you for the privilege of serving the last 4 years on Town Council. If you have kept up with our meetings, you may know that I have been able to keep some of the wasteful spending down and consistently urged the Town to focus on the important issues like keeping us all safe and dry.

If you see fit to entrust me with another 4 years, I will continue to urge logic in council's decision making and will continue to advocate for smart spending. I would like to see the Town set achievable goals, like 10 feet of ditch clearing per day, or 10 minutes of urging Dominion to help us get powerlines updated and underground. Imagine what the Town would look like after 2 years of consistent, daily work in a planned direction!

I ran for Council in the last election after the Town voted to contribute $100,000 towards the purchase of the former Subway lot in exchange for a "parking easement" and responsibility for the landscaping around the sidewalk on the corner. I fought that kind of wasteful spending tooth-and-nail and will continue to do so.

Ask the other candidates for Council and Mayor where they stand on such issues (2 of them were on council during the Subway deal and, I believe voted in favor of it).

There are 4 seats up for election, and I appreciate your consideration in voting for me for another term.

Hope to see y'all at the polls November 7th.


Daniel C. Boles

My #1 Value: Livability

The #1 issue facing anyone who resides in the greater Charleston area, including our Town, is livability. What I mean is that there is currently a greater priority placed on getting more people to move here than there is on making it a safe and enjoyable place for current residents. The Town, and any other governing body in our area, should look first at livability and exhaust all efforts necessary to promote livability long before looking at new projects. Right now I see the opposite happening from one end of the county to the other.

Dan Boles from James Island - Stop Development

It's time to put livability and our quality of life first. There is no shortage of sidewalk, drainage, public safety, sewerage, power grid, and other work that remains unfinished while we spend countless hours at town hall meetings debating whether to allow a new development to come in. We should not entertain questions of new neighborhoods until we have taken care of the ones already in place!

I am finishing my first four-year term as your Town Council representative and have done my best to promote this philosophy as well as keep Town Hall out of your backyard. There have been many attempts to regulate back yard fire pits, bee keeping, chickens, short term rentals (“STR”), additional dwelling units (“ADU”), and other lawful, private activities and uses that residents conduct on their own property. On some of these matters I have succeeded; on others I have not.

If you see fit to re-elect me to Council, I will continue to promote your livability issues and to keep the Town focused on good stewardship of our community. As for disputes between residents or matters that do not affect our quality of life, I will continue to urge the Town to stay out of these matters and vote them down should they arise in the coming years.

Election day is November 7, 2023. I hope to see you there. It has been a privilege representing you.

Dan Boles from James Island and his daughterDan Boles from James Island with son. Dan Boles from James Island

About Me

After graduating the College of Charleston in 2004, I worked as a cook aboard the SCDNR's Lady Lisa. Following that field season, I worked for NOAA out of the Pacific Marine Center, which back then was in Seattle, WA. My job was to operate the sonar equipment used to map the seafloor in order to update nautical charts and study marine habitat. I worked in very remote locations in the pristine wilderness of Alaska, off the densely populated coast of New England, throughout the Caribbean, and for a few months out of Honolulu. As shipmates, everyone on board had to work together to accomplish our surveys safely and efficiently. It was an influential experience and helped shape the person I am today.

Dan Boles from James Island with his family.